
Senior Staff Position

Media Team


Both sides of this form must be completed by all youth participating in overnight activities, field trips, events requiring group transportation, and any other events hosted at Isaiahs Hub, where it is deemed necessary by the event coordinator(s). The form should be submitted prior to the event. The form has five parts: (1) information about the participant and activity, (2) parental permission and liability release, (3) medical emergency authorization and health information, (4) pick-up authorization, (5) code of conduct.. Be sure to complete all sections and sign where requested!

Parental Permission and Release of Liability
I hereby give my son/daughter (named above) permission to participate in the event listed. Although the event coordinator(s) will use the utmost precaution in guarding the health of the above participant and preventing accidents, I release them from any liability in case of illness or injury as a result of this activity.

Coming Soon!

This content is still cooking in the oven! Come back soon!